Instagram image sizes for traditional square posts haven’t changed. However, the introduction and updates of features over time now allows images other than squares – or cropped to be a square – means you can use a variety of screen sizes now.
Changes to video content and video features allows you to design content in different pixel sizes too. And it means you can keep up with platform changes overall, if you set your templates up ready to use.
In the last couple of years, IGTV became Instagram Video. Video is now widely known as Reels. Squares were out, rectangles were in, but squares are kind of back because they’re easier!
Using a visual platform like Instagram, we want our pictures to look great! Better than great. We spend time taking photos, designing images and make our own templates to make this as fast a process as possible for us – and our customers. When a new feature gets introduced, we only need to adjust templates and continue creating pictures easily.
Use our 2024 Instagram image sizes (below) to make sure your published posts are looking sharp.
Enter the pixel sizes into Canva’s custom sizing or create your own digital templates with Adobe or other software.
Here are the latest Instagram imagery sizes.
Static Instagram images, the ones you see as squares on your profile, have three different size options. Each will display as a square on your profile, but when viewed individually will zoom in and out as required to showcase the size. The three sizes are:
This is main Instagram image that will be seen in more places than your own Instagram Profile.
Your Instagram logo image should be a square with 360 pixels x 360 pixels minimum. At Social Ocean we use 400 x 400 pixels for clarity.
If your logo isn’t already a square shape, ask your designer to provide you with an option that will fit inside a square. This will be handy for all your social media profiles.
Or make your own. Put your logo on an all white background – centre the logo to a solid white square shape – leave plenty of white space around the edges of the logo. This is what lets you zoom in and out when working inside the logo uploading tool.
If you have a personal brand, read our great tips on how to select your personal profile photo on our blog 5 Profile Photo Tips.
Stories are available to be seen via the profile image on both your Instagram and Facebook business accounts if you have them synced.
Whilst clickable content on your Instagram Story isn’t clickable via Facebook it’s still a smart idea to have them synced. Doing this means you are creating more content across the two platforms without more work! Who doesn’t want to do that?
Stories artwork for Instagram or Facebook platforms use the same size. You may have other repurposing opportunities for other digital platforms. Although they aren’t great for wide viewing like on YouTube.
Your Instagram and Facebook Stories image should be a tall rectangle measuring 1080 pixels wide x 1920 pixels tall.
You can stitch together still images, graphic designs and videos to create Instagram Reels. Once you have the elements you need you can create a Reel via the app on your phone.
Your Instagram Reels image and video should be designed as a tall slim rectangle with 1080 pixels wide x 1920 pixels tall.
HOT TIP: Text you want to read for specific sections of a Reel can be added to your design before transferring to your phone, and ahead of in-app Reel building. Add the text to each of the designs you want to see it on in the design software or app you use.
If you need help to create or update your social media images for Instagram or any other platform check out our Graphic Design options.
Don’t forget to read great tips on selecting your profile photo here: 5 Profile Photo Tips.