Events Categories: Social Media Training

Workshop Wednesday August

This month’s Workshop Wednesday event includes Canva for Beginners in the morning only. Participants are asked to arrive at 8:45am for setup and ready to commence at 9:00am. This workshop will end at approximately midday.

For this month – August 2024 – workshops will be held on the first Wednesday of the month. Workshops are held at Social Ocean HQ in Clontarf, Redcliffe.

Topics change month to month. Each workshop will be three hours and provide valuable hands on training into the platform highlighted during each session.

Only four spots for this topic are available allowing Kirsty to give more attention to attendees.

What you’ll need for Canva for Beginners workshop:
Please note the topics for any month may change without notice due to topic requests. Once a workshop has been booked, it will remain per the published event here on the website. If you’d like a different topic for this month’s workshop, contact us here to request a topic
Other Popular topics:

To request a topic be held sooner rather than later, simply complete an inquiry form or email Kirsty our Creative Director to discuss your interests.

2024 BIG Brains Trust

“Accept responsibility for your life. Know that it is you who will get you where you want to go, noone else” ― Les Brown

The process of doing it alone can be struggle however. When you have support and regular check-ins on your progression though getting there is a lot easier.

This quarterly working bee to maintain your vision and stay on task to meet your goals in business, whilst mapping out your content for this next quarter will change your business. It will stop stop your unproductive times and wasting energy.

This is not just any old goal setting or content marketing workshop. This is how you set up your success of your business for 2024.

There will be thinking BIG as well as step by step techniques to achieve your goals and work out your future content aligning with your business plans for the 90 days ahead.

There will be proven methods of execution so you can be efficient in getting your content out there.

There will be no more fluffing around without direction. You will be purposeful and energised ready for the year ahead.  We will transform your intentions into behaviour that leads to achieving your goals.


At each Quarterly Working Bee you will:


When you join the BIG Brains Trust group you will also relish the opportunity to lunch with our two expert presenters for a brain-picking opportunity where you can ask the hard questions and be rewarded with as much guidance and expertise that we can fit in at the completion of the morning working bee.

Each quarterly gathering will be held on the Redcliffe Peninsula.

This group will champion each other and build supportive relationships with each other. You’ll always have a place to source potential collaborations, joint ventures and create referral opportunities.

This is a highly valuable and practical way to maintain clarity to follow clear direction for the year.

Don’t just learn how to be an effective and efficient planner of your business and content, be it and do it NOW!!!!!


BIG Brains Trust Quarterly Working Bee inclusions:

In addition to the above, each quarterly gathering will include your morning coffee. And the group will stay on to enjoy lunch together at the completion of the morning’s activities.

Take all that you’ve actioned from each BIG day of goals, planning and content creation ready for immediate implementation from time spent with our planning and marketing experts.

This is the ultimate way to keep your planning on track, and to build on the success of your ongoing business endeavours. 

Don’t forget that at each quarterly working bee, guests can stay on for lunch at the end of the morning’s session for extra time with The Brains Trust (lunch will be an additional expense for each individual).


BIG Brains Trust experts:

These quarterly workshops are run by industry experts and offers you a safe and supportive, caring and confidential environment.

International Speaker, Master Trainer in The Neuro Change Method™, Certified Bucket List Coach and Award Winning Author of Balance, Leanne Blaney presents the Goal Setting, Vision and Planning components for each quarter.

International Speaker, multi-Award Winning marketing agency owner and entrepreneur Kirsty Fields will work with you on Content Creation and general Marketing Guidance with attendees.


Kirsty and Leanne
Pictured: Marketing presenter Kirsty Fields (left) and Goal Setting and Vision presenter Leanne Blaney (right).

Ocean Network July 23rd

The second Ocean Network event for July 2024, will be held on Tuesday 23rd July.


Ocean Network’s next business networking event is at The Belvedere, Woody Point. We welcome all business owners to join us for breakfast with other local business owners from around Moreton Bay and Greater Brisbane to meet, connect and build friendships with other like-minded business folks.


Each Ocean Network morning features an educational speaker to share with you information that will help you to be better at business, or to be a better person to be able to do your business.


This is the highlight of every FREE Ocean Network event ran at The Belvedere on the 2nd & 4th Tuesday of each month.

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